A site for parents of young children with special needs.
Forming critical early goals in the family, school, and community will build a child's best life.
A Dream is a Goal Your Heart Makes
Otherwise known as your child HAS a future
You’re probably here because you are a parent or caregiver of a child living with a physical, medical, or developmental disability, often lumped as “special needs.” You’re possibly feeling overwhelmed, scared, or angry. Those are all normal emotions. Possibly you’ve already sought out professionals; perhaps your child has been given a diagnosis; or perhaps you are just researching your own hunches. This website is intended to provide you with basic overviews of important foundations to keep in mind as you move forward parenting your child toward their full potential.
Information Overload
When faced with so much unknown, parents tend to seek out as much information as possible. Hundreds of websites will give you advice on everything from therapy to schooling to support groups. Professionals will hand you pages of names of possible resources. But when you are starting out on your quest to give your child his or her best life possible, too much information can be overwhelming.
Critical Knowledge Building Blocks
In the midst of this information download, professionals and teachers and web searches often fail to give parents the most basic, but most important foundations of education and acceptance needed to direct the trajectory of a child's life. Many will give you a roadmap, but few remember to teach you how to drive the car first. Before you can map out goals for your child, you need to learn how and why effective, life-trajectory leading goals are created.

Dreams Form Goals
Dreams Form Goals is dedicated to providing parents and caregivers with critical knowledge that will help raise children with special needs to achieve their full potential in independent and productive lives. This website is not meant to provide a deep dive into these theories, rather it is meant to provide high overviews of these important topics. Take the ideas, mull them over, and if you are inclined, each pages provides links to resources that can help you further your education. This website was created as a project for my 2018 Illinois Partners in Policymaking program. I am still learning how to be my child's strongest advocate and dream-builder, but if you have any questions, you are welcome to contact me, and I will do my best to connect you with the information you seek.
You and your child have the right to dream their own beautiful future, and the life goals you set at a young age WILL direct them on that path.